
“... [Erich Stem] has an ear for sophisticated and intriguing spacing and textures...”
J. Reinthaler
J. Reinthaler, Washington Post
“The exciting “Portland” by Erich Stem stands above the rest of the works; it immerses the listener in a colorful impression of the West coast city, its culture and history.”
Nathan Faro
American Record Guide
“It is followed by Erich Stem’s “Fleeting Thoughts”, a kind of experiment in sound that aims at reproducing the functioning of the mind, establishing a fluent and chaotic exchange that breaks minimalism apart…”
David Murrieta
A Closer Listen, Online Magazine, New York, NY
"On New Year’s Day” started with her beautiful solo on the alto flute braced by more animated, chilly music from percussion and piano. Stem showed he can write a limpid melody. His slightly tart, yet tonal harmonies were perfectly suited to a text that included the line “Of a single frosty rose.”
David Williams
Charleston Gazette-Mail, Charleston, WV
“Erich Stem’s four-part suite Fleeting Thoughts juxtaposes a terse, balletesque pulse with icily moody piano-and-string interludes that eventually leads to a richly satisfying noir bustle on the way out.”
Lucid Culture Online Magazine, New York, NY
“Erich Stem’s Revisited filled the auditorium with the rich and beautiful sounds of the East. Inspired by Japanese Shakuhachi music, the three movements of this piece are unique and beautiful. The third movement, inspired by an 18th century poem by Minezaki Koto, echoed the feeling of poetry with fluid lines and sophisticated nuances.”
Shannon Rosa
Boston Theatre Review